About us

Our Story

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Meet the Team

Years in the industry

Clients satisfaits

Average increase

Clients satisfaits


More on the way

By creating my own ‘lifestyle practice’ I found a way to strike a balance between my ideal way of life and working towards financial independence. The effort I put into crafting a well-oiled machine enabled me to step away from clinical dentistry at the age of 35.

I have been working with other dentists as a coach with The Lifestyle Practice since 2018. Professionally, there’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing the growth and satisfaction that other dentists experience when they are able to work less, increase their profitability, and get closer to their dreams.

We have so many options for providing support for dentists:

TLP Podcast for Dentists

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TLP Academy 

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TLP Mastermind Groups

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One-on-One Coaching

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Ready to elevate your practice?

Take the first step towards transforming your dental practice.

Get your free copy of our resources or schedule a consultation with one of our coaching experts today.